From Average Joe to Memory Pro: The Incredible Story of Sancy Suraj

I had the pleasure of interviewing Sancy Suraj, a memory expert and athlete who has set six memory records and represented Singapore at the World Memory Championships. In this interview, Sancy shared his incredible journey from being an “Average Joe” to becoming a “Memory Pro,” the most effective memory techniques that he uses and teaches, and his advice for anyone who wants to improve their memory.

Sancy’s journey began with a desire to improve his memory and mental abilities, which he developed while studying computer science in college. After discovering the art of memory, Sancy began training extensively, developing his own techniques, and competing in memory championships. Through his training, he achieved incredible feats such as memorizing 1,000 binary digits in just 5 minutes and memorizing the order of a shuffled deck of cards in under 20 seconds.

Can you tell us a bit about your background and how you first got interested in memory training?

Certainly! My background is actually quite ordinary. I was born and raised in Singapore, and for most of my life, I was just an average student who struggled with memorizing facts and figures. However, I had always been interested in self-improvement and finding ways to enhance my mental abilities. So, one day, I stumbled upon a book about memory techniques and was fascinated by what I read.

I started experimenting with the techniques described in the book and quickly saw significant improvements in my ability to remember things. From there, my interest in memory training grew, and I began researching and practicing various techniques on my own. Eventually, I started participating in memory competitions and found that I had a natural talent for it.

What started as a personal interest and hobby soon became a passion, and I began dedicating more and more time to learning and perfecting my memory techniques. Today, I am proud to say that I have become one of the top memory athletes in the world, and I continue to be fascinated by the power of the human mind and the incredible things it can achieve with the right training and techniques.

How did you go from being an “Average Joe” to becoming a “Memory Pro” with six memory records and representation for Singapore at the World Memory Championships?

Becoming a “Memory Pro” and holding six memory records was not an easy feat. It required a lot of hard work, dedication, and a strong passion for memory techniques. My journey began in 2010 when I stumbled upon a book on memory training at a local bookstore. As I read through the book, I was fascinated by the concept of being able to memorize large amounts of information quickly and effortlessly. From that moment on, I made it my mission to learn as much as I could about memory techniques and become a memory expert.

I started off by practicing the basics, such as the “Memory Palace” technique, which involves associating information with specific locations in a familiar place. I also began using the “Major System” technique, which involves converting numbers into images that can be easily remembered. Over time, I honed my skills and developed my own unique memory strategies. I practiced relentlessly, dedicating hours each day to memorizing lists of numbers, words, and playing cards.

My hard work paid off, and I started competing in memory competitions, where I quickly made a name for myself. In 2013, I set my first memory record by memorizing the most number of names and faces in 15 minutes at the Singapore Memory Championships. Since then, I have broken five other memory records, including the most number of digits memorized in one hour.

My achievements have not gone unnoticed, and I am proud to represent Singapore at the World Memory Championships. Competing at the world level has been an incredible experience, and it has allowed me to meet and learn from other memory athletes from all around the globe. While I have achieved a lot, I still consider myself a student of memory techniques, and I am always looking for ways to improve and innovate.

In summary, my journey from an “Average Joe” to a “Memory Pro” was not easy, and it took a lot of hard work and dedication. By practicing and developing my own unique memory techniques, I was able to achieve six memory records and represent Singapore at the World Memory Championships. While I am proud of my achievements, I am still eager to learn and grow as a memory athlete.

What are some of the most effective memory techniques that you use and teach, and how have they helped you in your personal and professional life?

There are a variety of memory techniques that I use and teach, but one of the most effective ones is the “Memory Palace” technique, also known as the “Method of Loci.” This technique involves mentally associating information with specific locations or images within a familiar setting, such as a house or a route that you take regularly. By visualizing the information in a memorable way within these familiar locations, it becomes easier to recall later on. This technique has been incredibly useful for me in both my personal and professional life, allowing me to remember everything from names and faces to complex information for work or study.

Another technique that I find particularly helpful is the “Chunking” technique, which involves breaking down large pieces of information into smaller, more manageable “chunks.” By doing this, it becomes easier to remember the information and recall it later on. For example, instead of trying to remember a long string of numbers like “7846593015,” you might break it down into smaller chunks like “78-46-59-30-15.” This makes it easier for the brain to process and remember the information.

In addition to these specific techniques, I also emphasize the importance of practice and repetition when it comes to memory training. Just like with physical exercise, the more you practice, the stronger your memory becomes. This can involve everything from regular memory exercises and drills to using memory techniques in your daily life, such as making a conscious effort to remember new information or playing memory games.

Overall, these memory techniques have helped me immensely in my personal and professional life, allowing me to remember everything from important meetings and presentations to names and faces of people I meet. By utilizing these techniques and emphasizing regular practice, anyone can improve their memory and become more efficient and effective in their daily life.

“By utilizing memory techniques such as the ‘Memory Palace’ and ‘Chunking,’ and emphasizing regular practice, anyone can improve their memory and become more efficient and effective in their daily life.”

How do you train your memory on a daily basis, and what advice do you have for people who want to improve their memory but don’t know where to start?

Memory training requires consistency and dedication to achieve the desired results. On a daily basis, I incorporate various memory techniques into my routine to keep my mind sharp and my memory strong. One of the most important techniques is repetition. Repeating information helps to reinforce it in the brain, making it easier to recall later. I also use visualization techniques, where I create vivid mental images to represent the information I want to remember.

Another technique that I use is association. This involves connecting new information with something that I already know. For example, if I want to remember someone’s name, I’ll try to associate it with a visual image or a sound that reminds me of that person. I also use memory palaces, which involve visualizing a familiar location and placing information in specific locations within that space.

For those who want to improve their memory but don’t know where to start, I suggest beginning with simple memory exercises. These can include memorizing a grocery list or a phone number, and then gradually increasing the difficulty level as you become more comfortable with the techniques. Consistency is key, so it’s important to set aside some time every day to practice these techniques.

It’s also important to find a memory training program or coach that suits your learning style and goals. There are many different memory techniques and approaches, so finding the one that works best for you can make a big difference in your progress.

In summary, to train your memory on a daily basis, you can incorporate techniques such as repetition, visualization, association, and memory palaces. Starting with simple memory exercises and gradually increasing the difficulty level can help you improve your memory over time. Finding a memory training program or coach that suits your learning style and goals can also be beneficial.

What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in your memory training journey, and how have you overcome them?

In my memory training journey, I’ve faced several challenges, both physical and mental. One of the most significant obstacles was the initial learning curve of memory techniques. Initially, I found it challenging to memorize long strings of information, but I was determined to improve. So, I started by practicing on a small scale, such as memorizing a grocery list or a phone number, and gradually increased the complexity of the material.

Another challenge I faced was fatigue and burnout during intense training periods. To combat this, I learned to balance my training with rest and relaxation. I also found that keeping a positive mindset and setting realistic goals helped me to stay motivated and focused.

One significant challenge that I faced in competition was the pressure to perform under stress. In the early days of my memory competition, I would often get nervous, which would affect my ability to recall information accurately. I overcame this challenge by using relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing exercises, and visualizing myself performing well before the competition.

Lastly, a significant challenge I faced was finding time to train while juggling other commitments such as work and family obligations. I managed this by planning my training schedule in advance and finding ways to incorporate memory training into my daily routine. For example, I would practice memorizing names and faces during my commute or review my memory palaces during breaks at work.

Overall, I believe that these challenges have made me a stronger and more resilient memory athlete, and I am constantly looking for ways to improve my performance and overcome new obstacles.

“I believe that these challenges have made me a stronger and more resilient memory athlete, and I am constantly looking for ways to improve my performance and overcome new obstacles.”

During the interview, Sancy discussed the most effective memory techniques that he uses and teaches, including the use of associations, visualization, and the method of loci. He also shared how these techniques have helped him in both his personal and professional life, including his work as a memory coach, where he has taught memory improvement techniques to over 10,000 people worldwide.

Despite his success, Sancy faced challenges on his memory training journey, including mental exhaustion and the pressure of competing. However, he overcame these challenges by maintaining a balanced training schedule and focusing on his mental and physical health.

Sancy’s athletic background also influenced his approach to memory training, as he drew upon his experience as a track and field athlete to develop a rigorous training regimen for his memory training.

Looking to the future, Sancy plans to continue pushing the boundaries of what is possible in the field of memory training, with aspirations to set more memory records and help others improve their memory through his coaching and teaching.

You’ve taught memory improvement techniques to over 10,000 people worldwide – what do you think are the most common misconceptions people have about memory training, and how do you address them?

One of the most common misconceptions people have about memory training is that it is only for those with exceptional natural abilities. Many people believe that memory is a fixed trait that can’t be improved, and that memory athletes are just born with a special gift. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth. Memory is a skill that can be developed and improved through practice and training, just like any other skill.

Another misconception is that memory techniques are complicated and difficult to learn. While some techniques can be more challenging than others, many memory techniques are straightforward and easy to understand. For example, the Link method involves associating two images together in a creative way to help remember a list of items. Similarly, the Memory Palace technique involves mentally placing items in a familiar location to help remember them. By breaking down memory techniques into simple steps and practicing regularly, anyone can improve their memory.

Another common misconception is that memory training is time-consuming and requires a lot of effort. While it is true that memory training does require practice and commitment, it doesn’t have to be a full-time endeavor. Even just a few minutes of memory training each day can make a significant difference in memory improvement. By incorporating memory techniques into daily activities, such as memorizing grocery lists or phone numbers, individuals can improve their memory without taking up too much extra time.

To address these misconceptions, I always emphasize the importance of consistent practice and patience. I encourage people to start with simple techniques and gradually build up to more advanced ones as they become more comfortable. I also stress the fact that memory training is a journey, and that it takes time and effort to see significant improvement. By setting realistic goals and celebrating small victories along the way, anyone can develop a stronger and more reliable memory.

How do you balance your training and coaching with your other responsibilities and interests in life?

Balancing my training and coaching with other responsibilities and interests in life is certainly a challenge, but it is one that I have been able to manage through careful planning and prioritization. For me, it is essential to have a clear understanding of my goals and to establish a schedule that allows me to pursue those goals while also making time for other important aspects of my life.

One of the key strategies that I use is time blocking. I carefully allocate blocks of time for different activities throughout the day, including training, coaching, and other responsibilities such as work and family obligations. By doing so, I am able to make the most of the time available to me and ensure that I am making progress toward my goals on a consistent basis.

In addition to time blocking, I also prioritize self-care and stress management as a means of maintaining balance in my life. I make sure to set aside time for exercise, meditation, and other activities that help me to stay grounded and focused. This not only helps me to manage stress and maintain my energy levels, but it also allows me to approach my training and coaching with a clear and focused mind.

Ultimately, balancing my training and coaching with other responsibilities and interests requires a certain degree of discipline and commitment, but it is also incredibly rewarding. By pursuing my passions and helping others to improve their memory and cognitive abilities, I am able to create a fulfilling and meaningful life for myself.

How has your athletic background influenced your approach to memory training, if at all?

My athletic background has definitely influenced my approach to memory training. As a former national athlete in high jump, I understand the importance of consistent practice, goal-setting, and discipline. These are all qualities that are also necessary for success in memory athletics.

In athletics, I learned that progress and success require a long-term view, and the same is true for memory training. It’s not about trying to memorize everything at once, but rather consistently working on improving and building up your memory over time. This requires patience, dedication, and perseverance, just like in athletics.

Another way my athletic background has influenced my approach to memory training is in my understanding of the mind-body connection. In high jump, I had to be in tune with my body and mind in order to perform at my best. The same is true for memory training. I believe that physical exercise, good nutrition, and proper rest are all important for maintaining a healthy brain and improving memory performance.

Finally, my athletic background has taught me the importance of setting and achieving goals. In high jump, I set specific goals for myself and worked towards them every day. This approach has carried over to my memory training as well. I set specific goals for each competition or training session, and work diligently to achieve them.

Overall, my athletic background has provided me with the mindset and tools necessary for success in memory athletics, including discipline, consistency, patience, and goal-setting.

What are your future goals and aspirations in the field of memory training, and how do you plan to achieve them?

My future goals in the field of memory training are quite ambitious, but I believe that with dedication and hard work, I can achieve them. One of my main goals is to continue to spread the knowledge of memory techniques and their benefits to as many people as possible. I want to continue teaching workshops and courses, both online and in-person, to help people improve their memory and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Another goal of mine is to continue competing in memory championships and breaking records. I want to improve my personal bests and represent Singapore at the World Memory Championships once again. Additionally, I aim to expand my coaching and training services, to provide more personalized and comprehensive support to individuals who are serious about improving their memory.

In terms of how I plan to achieve these goals, I plan to continue learning and refining my own memory techniques, as well as exploring new and innovative approaches to memory training. I also plan to collaborate with other memory experts and athletes to exchange knowledge and experience, and to stay up-to-date with the latest research and developments in the field.

Ultimately, my goal is to make memory training more accessible and understandable to everyone, and to help people unleash the power of their own minds to achieve greater success and fulfillment in their lives.

What advice do you have for anyone who wants to improve their memory, whether for personal or professional reasons?

My advice for anyone who wants to improve their memory, whether for personal or professional reasons, is to start small and be consistent. Like with any skill, memory training requires practice and dedication over time. There are many memory techniques that can be learned and used to improve memory, but it’s important to find what works best for you and your learning style.

One technique that I often recommend is visualization. This involves creating vivid mental images to associate with the information you want to remember. For example, if you’re trying to remember a grocery list, you can create mental images of each item and imagine them in a specific location in your house. Another technique is the “memory palace” method, where you mentally associate each piece of information with a specific location in a familiar environment, like your home or workplace.

Another important aspect of memory training is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Exercise and good nutrition are crucial for brain health, as well as getting enough sleep and managing stress. It’s also helpful to practice mindfulness and meditation, which can improve focus and concentration.

In addition to these tips, it’s important to have a positive attitude and believe in your ability to improve your memory. Like with any skill, there will be setbacks and challenges, but with persistence and effort, progress can be made. And remember, improving your memory can have many benefits in both personal and professional life, from better academic performance to more effective communication and decision-making.

“Start small and be consistent in your memory training. Find techniques that work for you, such as visualization or the memory palace method, and prioritize a healthy lifestyle with exercise, nutrition, sleep, and stress management. With a positive attitude and persistence, improving your memory can bring many benefits in both personal and professional life.”

In conclusion, Sancy’s story is an inspiring testament to the power of dedication and hard work in achieving one’s goals. His techniques and advice offer valuable insight for anyone looking to improve their memory, and his achievements stand as a testament to what can be accomplished with the right mindset and training.